Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New Year

Ah, so it's January and A BRAND NEW YEAR. Sometimes I look back and remember the amazing memories of my life with Corrina, other times I look to the future and try to imagine what the future holds for me without her. I've finally reached a place where the pain has softened enough for me to move on, and even to look forward to things happening in my life. Does it mean that I don't cry everyday anymore? No, because I still do. Does it mean that I don't think about her every minute of every day? No, because I can't think about much else sometimes. All it seems to mean is that I can now find joy in my life again. And knowing my sweet baby girl as I do, I know that somehow she's helped me reach the place I'm at now. Thank you RinaBean...I love you so!

On to all things knitty....I have joined two Ravelympic teams on Ravelry. For Team Knitmore I will be making (attempting) a sweater, and for Team Sasquatch, a pair of socks. Very ambitious goals don't ya think??? The sweater will be knit when at home in front of the TV, and the socks as my take-along and knit-in-bed project. So we shall see just how ambitious I am.

I have finished a few things since my last post. Two pair of socks, a shawl, and two neck warmers. Still also plugging along on all my other WIP's. Too many to mention :)

That's all I have for today.


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