Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday Meetings

Monday's on their own can be a BIG pain in the ass...but when you throw in meetings, and new idea's, it's just plain...UGH!

Sorry I've been MIA, but we've been away for two weeks and incognito for the rest of the time. This is September and I have nothing good to say about this month anymore. I'll just leave it at that.

I started new socks righ after I'd finished the last pair, and now these are almost finished. I haven't been knitting everyday like I'd like to, but I am moving along on them ok. I am using Sockotta yarn (Sunny Side Up colorway) and the "Jaywalker" pattern, but I'm doing mine toe-up.

I'll try to add some new picture's of Scott's finished sock's as well as the Jaywalkers in the next few days...don't aanyone hold your breath though.

I miss you Rina, and I love you, FOREVER and ALWAYS!!!

Talk at you soon


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