Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday Meetings

Monday's on their own can be a BIG pain in the ass...but when you throw in meetings, and new idea's, it's just plain...UGH!

Sorry I've been MIA, but we've been away for two weeks and incognito for the rest of the time. This is September and I have nothing good to say about this month anymore. I'll just leave it at that.

I started new socks righ after I'd finished the last pair, and now these are almost finished. I haven't been knitting everyday like I'd like to, but I am moving along on them ok. I am using Sockotta yarn (Sunny Side Up colorway) and the "Jaywalker" pattern, but I'm doing mine toe-up.

I'll try to add some new picture's of Scott's finished sock's as well as the Jaywalkers in the next few days...don't aanyone hold your breath though.

I miss you Rina, and I love you, FOREVER and ALWAYS!!!

Talk at you soon


Friday, August 1, 2008

Hooray For Friday

It's finally Friday. This week sure seemed long. I finished Scott's socks last night. It was too late to cast on another pair, so I'll do that tonight. I haven't even decided which pattern or what yarn yet. So many little time.

I find that as September approaches my daily tears for my girl, come quicker and last longer. I can't believe that it's been almost three years since I lost my precious daughter.

I love you CorrinaBean...always and forever!

Ta ta for now.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank God It's Thursday

I know I should be more excited about Friday, but it is the day before Friday, and I think Thursday's are ok too. I miss Corrina so much. Even though it's been almost three years, the missing her, the longing to see her gorgeous face, or to hold her precious hand never diminishes. It's always with me, but so are all of the amazing memories of a mother and a daughter, all 18 years, 8 months, and 14 days of them.

I MISS YOU RINABEAN...with every fiber of my being and with every beat of my heart! You were the best daughter in the whole world, my best friend and the absolute love of my life.

Scott's socks are almost finished...YAY!!! As soon as they are I'm going to start the new socks that I got from my "sock of the month club". It's gorgeous yarn and a really pretty pattern. Maybe I'll keep these next one's for myself...we'll see.

Till next time...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Knitting Fool

I've been knitting fast and furious on Scott's socks. I've knitted both heel flaps, and turned both heels. Now I'm working on the cuffs. I love knitting 2 toe-up socks with one circular's the greatest method by my opinion, anyway.

We are going to Dallas to see John Edward (psychic medium). I'm very excited. I love watching him on TV, and I've seen him once before in person. I know that my expectations may be a little high, and Corrina may not come through to him, but a broken hearted mom can sure hope, can't she.

Anyway, back to work!

See you next time.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Good News!

I've been on insulin for 1 1/2 weeks now, and wow, great results so far. I'm tickled pink. My 14 day average has gone from 199 to 156...YAY!!!

When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, Corrina made me promise to take better care of myself, and promise not to leave her. That was 6 months before her car accident. I should have made her promise not to leave me.

On the sock knitting front, I have only about a half inch to go before I can start on the heel, so that's good news. I'm looking forward to knitting all weekend.

Talk to you later.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Few Days Late

I've missed a few days of blogging. I know that no one reads this, but for some reason it comforts me to write it. I keep wishing for dreams of Corrina, and yet all my dreams contain, it seems, everyone but her. Why is that? Why can't I see her in my dreams.

I'm still knitting on Scott's socks, and I guess I'm about half of the way finished. I hope he loves them as much as I love making them for him. He is my life and my love. I hope he knows, as I'm not sure I tell him enough. I love the way he loves me, and I love the way he loved/loves Rina.

I'll try to be better at posting something everyday!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Today I started on insulin for my diabetes. The other med's I was on for it just weren't cutting it. So far, so good though. I had a little crying jag today at work, in my usual private crying area, the bathroom. I cried a little and talked to my angel, Corrina. I think most people would think I'm crazy, but I had the amazing privilege and pleasure of talking to that precious child for 18 years, 8 months, and 14 days, and I REFUSE to stop now. Because we knew each other so well, I can also imagine her talking to me too, and I know exactly what she'd be saying.

Well, I'm ready to relax and do some knitting. I love my knitting. It's my safe, comfortable, mind occupying haven.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Manic Monday

Monday's have always been the hardest day of the week, and I suppose it's like that for most of us.
We go from the fun and comfort of the weekend, right into the beginning of another long work week. Although, today wasn't too bad, we left work early as I had an appointment. I made a quick dinner and now I'm going to pull out my knitting (Scott's socks) and relax.

I love you Rina, forever and always!

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Slow Sunday

Today went by nice and slow. I've gotten to knit on and off all day, and I had plenty of time to cook breakfast & dinner, and even bake a "Ugly Duckling Cake". Scott did his usual laundry thing, and all in all, it was a pleasant day.

Corrina would have called it a "lazy day". I miss you Angelpie!

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Another Saturday

I stayed up really late last night getting started on Scott's socks. I'm doing a toe-up pattern, and I guess I was having a late night brain fog, as I had to unravel and start over 3 times, yup, 3 times.
Needless to say, I took a little 2 hour nap this afternoon. We did our "Walmart" thing this morning, picked up some lunch, and now we're settling in to watch a movie, and I'll pick up my knitting.

I wish Corrina was here to watch the movie with us.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Friday, June 27, 2008


My daughter Corrina was, and always will be, the the absolute love of my life. I miss her every single minute, of every single day. Rina was not only my daughter, she was also my very best friend. I don't think I ever told her that. I think she knew...I hope she knew.

Well, today is Friday, and I'm glad the weekend is here. My husband Scott and I plan to not do much of anything. Yesterday I finished knitting a pair of pink socks for my sister, and tonight I plan to start a pair of socks for Scott. I guess I should get started on that.

This is my first blog, and I just started it tonight, so be patient with me as I go.

See you tomorrow.